Sonntag, 19. Juni 2011



As it´s difficult to pull off red pants for me, Aurora wears them. Again red, white, blue plus stripes... I love it. You can never go wrong with that.



Super dirty face + diaper on the head = best mix ever


Cool Kids

How about these two cool kids?! Eli and his brand new baby brother Ira are the boys of my friend Salo. It´s hard to describe why Eli is so cool, he´s just a really lively funny kid who will randomly scream things at you like: "Hello, we´re friends" or "later gator". Sometimes he´ll start dancing out of the blue, which is probably his south African half coming through. The other half is German and likes to sweep. How awesome does that mix sound? -Exactly. No doubt Ira is going to be just as crazy and sweet as his brother. Salo is such a beautiful, petite, lovely woman - they are going to turn the house upside down, drive her crazy, wear her out and never love any woman as much as their mother.


Dear Diary

We´re going to the zoo, zoo, zoo.
How about you, you, you? 

We love our Zoo
We love the goats the most, so far.  

Sonntag, 5. Juni 2011


The indoor playground in our neighborhood "Kawi Kids" put on a children flea market and we picked up a bunch of stuff for Aurora (Matt got some stuff too, dice and such).
But out of all the things we bought this Panda shirt is my favorite! How cute is it?? Very!! I think it´s actually from China too. The size is called "child 2".