Montag, 4. April 2011

Toy box

These foam plates with letters are nothing special. They are available basically everywhere from toy stores over drug stores to grocery stores. Every kindergarten and every household probably has them. But I was a tiny bit proud of my picture so I figured I´d mention them to be able to show it off.

Never the less they are a big hit with Aurora. Not so much for the reason we thought they would be though. Maybe they actually taste like blueberry and such and it´s like that high pitched noise that they use in England to keep teenagers from loitering. You know the frequency you loose hearing for as you grow older. So maybe these letters have a very yummy flavor that only babies can taste.

1 Kommentar:

  1. that picture is amazing! i bet they do taste like blueberries and on her second birthday she will lose that power. sad.
