Dienstag, 3. Mai 2011


I´m having a hard time thinking of things to give the babies for breakfast. Obviously a banana is good. Matt always lets Aurora snack on dry cornflakes (not that that would be all there was). Since I´m still not so sure about joghurt that´s another typical breakfast item off the list. I offer her a piece of bread with spread or cream cheese on it from time to time but she just crumbles it apart. It definitely has to be something that requires very little preparation from my side in the morning and it has to be something she can eat by herself since she doesn´t enjoy getting fed that much anymore.
So the other day it just came to me! Whole wheat cheese muffins. Broken into halves or quarters she can eat them herself, they´re sugarless and it makes me look so much better than if I just threw her a slice of dry bread, which let´s face it wouldn´t be that different. But this way if someone is watching it looks like I put in all this effort ;-) 
In all seriousness though: they make a great snack. They are perfect pick-nick material and you can cut them in half and spread them with something or add something along the lines of salami slices which turns them into a full on lunch. When it comes to the kids I just love having the security of knowing exactly what the things I give them to eat are made out of, obviously baking yourself ensures that. I find they´re a great bridge between what your kids will eat and you´ll enjoy too.

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