Mittwoch, 19. Januar 2011


I bought these baby food cups from Philips the other day on Amazon so now the cooking for Aurora may commence. The set consists of 20 cups in two sizes and drip-proof lids. I can freeze them for up to 3 months and I figured I could also use them for Matt or me in case of us is going back to school at some point or just for berries or pudding for a pick-nick or something. But mainly I want to start cooking myself for Aurora to be able to make sure that organic vegetables are used and to give her a wider, more creative variety of food. Plus I´m sure it´ll be cheaper in the end.

approx. 23€ on Amazon 

Ps. the first ones I made were: fennel-apple, pumpkin-turnip, sweetpotato-parsnip and Auroras favorite so far pumpkin-apple. 

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