Have you ever seen someone on the street and envied how stylish they looked? Do you have a friend who is kind of your fashion role model? Are there times when you wished you came up with a particular style that is in? You wished you worn it before everyone else. You want to be one of the hipsters for just one day?
Well, forget it because someone came before you and did it all: your dad.
One of my favorites: the big headphones trend
If you want to find out what other trends your hip dad prevented you from inventing by doing it first go on this blog. Even if you don´t go check it out. If you don´t laugh you´ll get your money back.
Picture from www.dadsaretheoriginalhipster.tumblr.com
awesome page! You should enjoy this if you like making fun of hipsters: http://icanhascheezburger.com/2011/04/26/funny-pictures-i-knew-about/ muaha :)