Sonntag, 5. Dezember 2010


Auroras aunt is crazy about  

Understandable since this web page is insane. Lots of recipes and pictures that make the pulse of kitchen loving women like her and me race.
Obviously the theme right now is cookies as Christmas is coming up so go there to get some ideas for your baking with the kids (if they´re old enough) or try some of the more grown up (less colorful) cookies as advent presents for your friends.

My point being though as this is about the newbies: they have so many marvelous recipes and some might be really fun for your kids.
For example these rainbow colored pancakes.

Imagine you make these for your kid for breakfast - like on their birthday - can´t you just imagine them getting the giggles at the sight of them? I can´t wait for Aurora to be old enough to bake with me, it´s one of the things I look forward to the most.

Also a good page is: 

there I found a cup to gram convertion-table which might be a helpful tool for these American recipes.  

3 Kommentare:

  1. it's true. i sure do love that blog. and i am completely in love with the rainbow pancakes!

  2. And you shall have them one day. Maybe for your birthday or something. Or wait! Maybe we´ll make them on Christmas day.

  3. I´ll take some, too ;)! This is one thing I fail in being a good mother: Baking or cooking with the kids is horror for me! ;) Fortunatly Matthias is good at this, so he makes all the nice stuff, and I just clean up the mess afterwards ;).
